

amspc is a command line utility for compiling Action Plugins for Indigo Rose Software products. In supports IRSDK2 and IRSDK3 for both the x86 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. It is short for AutoPlay Media Studio Plugin Compiler, but it is in no way affiliated with the famous AMS Plugin Maker by Serkan (Reteset Software).

Downloads for version 0.1.6-alpha (latest)

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Compiling Plugins

Using amspc you can compile Lua to an LMD Action Plugin. It works by parsing a simple project file and compiling the input files into a stub that is added to an LMD base file.

    "name": "Test",
    "version": {
        "major": 0,
        "minor": 1,
        "patch": 0,
        "suffix": "alpha"
    "description": "Test\r\nCreated by Imagine Programming\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2024 Imagine Programming",
    "main": "test.lua",
    "license": "test.lic",
    "actions": {
        "method": "included",
        "file": "test.xml"

One can then simply run the command line utility in the same directory as the amspc.json project file to compile the project. The output directory will be created in the same directory as the project and will include the architecture and IRSDK version.

# create an AMS 9 plugin
amspc build --architecture x86 --irsdk-version 3
# create an AMS 8 or SUF 9 plugin
amspc build --architecture x86 --irsdk-version 2
# create the 64-bit version for the SUF 9 plugin
amspc build --architecture x64 --irsdk-version 2

Older Versions

There are multiple versions for this product. Older versions might be useful in the case of compatibility issues, but please do note that these versions are not supported anymore. The documentation for this product might also have been updated, we do not host the documentation for older versions.