
amspc v0.1.6-alpha

amspc is a command line utility for compiling Action Plugins for Indigo Rose Software products. In supports IRSDK2 and IRSDK3 for both the x86 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. It is short for AutoPlay Media Studio Plugin Compiler, but it is in no way affiliated with the famous AMS Plugin Maker by Serkan (Reteset Software).

imagine.ffi v1.1.1

imagine.ffi is a foreign function interface based on libffi. It's a binding between Lua 5.1+ and libffi, allowing the user to interact with any other system from Lua. You can use the imagine.ffi module to call DLL's, but also to allow other API's to call your own code through trampoline functions.

imagine.memory v1.0.5

imagine.memory is a memory management library, allowing you to manage and interact with memory addresses. You can allocate, read from and write to memory. This module also allows you to specify structures with default C alignment, create arrays of these structs and manipulate complex memory structures.

imagine.path v0.1.0

The imagine.path module (ImaginePath for AMS) provides you with functions for working with paths. This library can be used to construct and parse file and directory paths, get metadata about them and enumerate entries in a directory. It is based on the built in PathBuf features of Rust. v1.0.0

The module (ImagineZip for AMS) provides you with functions for working with zip-files. This library can be used to extract or create zip files on disk and in memory. You could work with an archive and send it off without it ever touching the disk. Even adding files can be done completely in-memory, but also from files that exist on disk.